Enjoy your life in England
Ms Masami Takasago i‚»^²”üj‚³‚ñ
Before I came here, I worried about everything such as my English ability and people (teachers, classmates, host family). But when I arrived here, I thought I didn't need to worry, because every person thought about the same things and they were very helpful.

In CIT, there are a lot of classes. For example, Marketing, Business Finance, Telephone skills, Pitman, General English and so on. And main lesson is presentation class. We had 3 big presentations and we had to prepare our own script and PowerPoint. It was very hard work, especially for me. So every presentation, my friends (member of the same group) helped me about English and PowerPoint. I appreciated them very much and I could get a lot of things such as knowledge, group work skills and presenting in English.

Our lessons are from Monday to Friday. Almost every weekend I go to the center of London. I enjoy shopping, watching football, eating at posh restaurants, sightseeing etcc I have been to a football stadium twice to watch football games. These were so exciting! At the moment, I enjoy looking for small clothes shops called "select shop". If you want, I recommend you to go to Angel and Eastend area. I also enjoyed going to Aromatherapy massage. It was really good. I live in New Barnet with my host family. They are very kind for me. I really enjoy living with them. Every day I talk about day event, foods, difference of culture and gossip!

I think when you arrive, you will feel some difference between England and Japan. I was surprised about the delay of the transport, eating in public (I saw a person was eating kebab on the tube!) etcc But these are very interesting. I hope you will enjoy your life in England.